Behold the secret of Italy’s most delicious dish: Criniti family Bolognese Ragu! One bite will transport you to a culinary paradise and satisfy your craving for classic Italian cuisine.
This simple dish has been adopted worldwide, and everyone seems to have their own take on bolognese. Here is the best bolognese recipe to take you to the rustic southern Italian place our family called home.
10 Ripe Roma tomatoes
½ Cup olive oil
1 Onion, diced
2 Garlic cloves, crushed and chopped
1 Birdseye chili, sliced
150g Lean beef mince
1 Veal or Pork chop
¼ Cup red wine
1 Teaspoon sugar
4 Basil leaves
1 Bay leaf
1 Cup water
Salt and pepper
Sprinkle dried oregano
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Using a sharp knife, make a cross on top of the tomatoes, place them in the boiling water, and cook for around 10 minutes. When cooked and soft, drain tomatoes and set aside to cool.
When cooled, peel off the skin beginning at the cross marked on the tops. Place tomatoes into a blender and give them a quick blitz. Set pulped tomato to one side.
Heat oil in a large heavy-based pot to medium heat and add onion, garlic, and chili (optional). Stir this until the aroma of the garlic has made its way to your nose. Add the minced meat and fry gently, releasing the flavors. Add the veal chop and brown slightly. Then add the pureed tomatoes, wine, and half the quantity of water. Combine well. Bring to a boil for 8 to 10 minutes, which allows the alcohol in the wine to cook off, as you don’t want it to dominate the sauce.
Reduce heat to low and cook the sauce for around an hour and a half, stirring every 20 minutes and gradually adding the remaining water with each stir. Add sugar to neutralize the acid in the tomatoes, season with salt and pepper, and a sprinkling of oregano.
10 minutes before the end of the cooking, add the bay leaves, as they will release a little bit more love into the sauce. Stir ragu through your favorite pasta, sprinkle with parmesan and serve.
TIP: Stirring the sauce while it’s simmering will prevent it from becoming bitter. Cook your pasta al dente, as this will complement the dish more than words can express, and we personally only use spaghetti or a very thin linguini. Don’t forget to use good-quality parmesan.